Create a Website Using WordPress : Free Hosting & Sub-domain


What you’ll learn

  • Learn to create a website in WordPress
  • Learn to host and get a subdomain for your website
  • Learn to work with themes , plugins, and permalinks of WordPress

Skills you’ll practice

  • Category: Web DevelopmentWeb Development
  • Category: themetheme
  • Category: websitewebsite
  • Category: WordPressWordpress
  • Category: CMSCMS

Learn, practice, and apply job-ready skills in less than 2 hours

  • Receive training from industry experts
  • Gain hands-on experience solving real-world job tasks
  • Build confidence using the latest tools and technologies

About this Guided Project

In this 2 hours long project-based course, you will learn to create a Beautiful, Professional Medical Business Website from scratch using WordPress with free Hosting and Sub-domain. Our goal is to get free hosting, subdomain, and make use of WordPress to create an amazing medical background website. You’ll learn to work with themes, plugins, permalinks of WordPress.

By the end of this project, you will be able to register for a free subdomain and hosting for your website on 000webhost. You will be able to install WordPress on 000webhost and you will also be able to create an amazing medical website in WordPress. You do not need any programming skills or experience. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.

click here to apply

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