WISE Innovation in Education Summit


Building the future of education

“Creative Fluency: Human Flourishing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”
WISE Summit 2023 will focus on developing creativity and human values ​​in the age of artificial intelligence, which is expected to change the way we learn and teach to keep pace with the demands of the 21st century, and enable us to thrive in the midst of rapid developments in societal standards and technologies.
The summit will address a wide range of topics such as: the impact of culture and language on education systems, practical solutions for dealing with an AI-driven world, neuro-learning, and skills development.

Keeping pace with the future and best practices used in implementing and expanding the scope of innovative education models.
Join our global community of innovators and education leaders, where we will discuss the latest ideas and solutions to address the world of education’s most pressing challenges.
What will be included at the WISE Summit 2023?
More than 300 speakers from local and international experts will share their ideas in the summit sessions.

More than 200 sessions
You will address a variety of topics aimed at addressing education challenges

Participatory and practical sessions on learning
For teachers and learners

Complete program in both languages
Simultaneous translation in Arabic and English

apply here

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