Qatar Jobs


Representative duties and responsibilities

The tasks of the actors are many and varied, as they have a wide range of responsibilities, which must be performed to the fullest extent for the success of the artistic work, which are as follows:

Discussing their role in the artistic work with the director, producer, and fellow crew members to improve overall performance.
Performing roles under the supervision and guidance of the director.
Training to perform the role, understand and embody the character.
Reading scripts for the work offered to him, and meeting with agents or directors before accepting the role and signing the contract.
Conducting tests in front of directors and producers.
Search for the circumstances and personal characteristics of the role to embody it realistically.
Save role-specific texts.
Practice standing in front of the camera and also on stage.
Working in voiceover for cartoons or animation films.

You are appointed to a Kuwaiti restaurant and trained to represent characters inside the restaurant 74414711 don’t call never.

Sales and hospitality employees are required.

Experienced sales and hospitality employees from Morocco are required. Sales employees with 3 years of experience in the field of marketing. Female employees in the field of hospitality with two years’ experience in the field.

Job duties:
Providing hospitality to the department’s employees during meetings, events, and workshops, and cleaning tools.
Polishing and cleaning tools and protecting hospitality materials from damage.
Cleaning offices and facilities continuously and with a high level of quality.
Maintain cleaning tools and materials and use them economically and efficiently.
Transferring papers and transactions internally.

The employee must:

Commitment to the provisions of applicable laws, regulations, decisions and systems and working to implement them.
Carrying out the work assigned to him/herself accurately and honestly, and completing it on the appropriate dates in accordance with the established performance rates.
Commitment to official work hours and allocating working hours to perform his job duties.

just send your cv here : +97455888763

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