

What is the job of a nanny?

Nanny tasks: She is responsible for organizing creative activities and educational games, preparing children’s meals and feeding them, changing diapers, supervising children’s bathing, taking care of children and keeping them safe and clean, planning meals for them, and organizing creative and educational activities based on their age needs. Sometimes you will need to pick them up from school or from various activities.

Organizing creative activities and educational games such as drawing games, crafts, and doll games.
Preparing and feeding children’s meals, including bottle-feeding children.
Changing diapers and bathing children.
Help older children wash hands and bathe.
Teach children appropriate social behaviors such as respecting each other and helping with household chores.
Transporting children to and from school and various activities.
Arranging and equipping play areas and children’s rooms.
Helping young students with their homework.
Ensure children’s safety during indoor and outdoor activities.
Caring for children in case of injury or illness.
Perform housekeeping tasks as needed.
Work with parents to ensure children’s growth and social development.
Schedule naps and vacations.

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