Police Steak Restaurants Company provides jobs in the field of restaurants and management


Police Steak Restaurants Company in Kuwait announces the availability of a group of job vacancies in the field of restaurants and management, with priority given to brothers from the Palestinian and other Arab communities. We will provide you with more details in the following article.

Jobs required to apply

Restaurant manager required
Restaurant manager wanted
Call center employee required
A waiter is needed.
Car service employee required.
Grill chef required.
Basta chef wanted.
Control employee required.

1 -Responding to customer inquiries…
2- Ensure that the customer is fully aware of the product…
3- Technical support and solving customer technical problems…
4- Conducting customer satisfaction surveys and collecting them…
5- Manage purchase orders, returns, and subscriptions…
6- Managing previous communication records and customer data…
7- Listen and speak tactfully.

Restaurant waiter duties

Greet customers and take them to their seats
Listening to and writing commands
Carry food and drinks to customers
Save the menu and special food items for the day
Check in with customers to see if they need anything
Cleaning tables after customers leave
Clean up spills and broken dishes and glassware
Make sure there are enough supplies.

The manager solves issues related to customers and problems between employees. They make sure of the quality of food and service provided. In addition, they make sure that everything is ready before opening the restaurant. They can also manage food preparation, organize inventory, and order supplies.

How to apply for jobs
You can fill the new positions announced by Police Steak Restaurants Company. You can send the applicant’s recent CV via the following email: [email protected]

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